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Is CPD important for Teachers? Information you should know!

  • Publish Date: Posted about 3 years ago
  • Author: Leah Baker

Is CPD relevant?


It’s understandable it may seem a little overwhelming completing more courses after the intensity of becoming a fully qualified teacher.


However, remember every day is a learning day, and you can never be ‘over experienced’ when it comes to teaching!


So, is it worth it? Dunbar Education have put together some tips on whether it really is important for teachers to complete CPD…


What does CPD even mean?!


CPD (Continuing Professional Development) ( allows you to update your skills and knowledge to ensure you are the most competent within your role and enhances your professional practice.

The DfE (Department of Education) Standard for Teachers’ Professional Development states ‘effective professional development for teachers is a core part of securing effective teaching.’


So, in short – CPD programmes is definitely needed!


Having CPD will give you more experience, making you a high-quality candidate with stronger potential to be hired than a teacher without.


Benefits of CPD!


·       It helps you stay interested! Teaching is never mundane as things change regularly and CPD will support this. However, if you feel your teaching is becoming a bit stale – CPD gives you more possibility and skills.


·       CPD will allow you to keep up to date with current standards within teaching and improving your knowledge, so you are always relevant.


·       If you are looking to become SLT, continuing CPD will make you more effective in the workplace, giving you more opportunity to progress and be more valuable to your team.


·       If you are looking to move on, CPD will aid in proving your commitment to learn and develop to make you a prime candidate.


Remember, it’s down to you and your personal responsibility to progress and to keep your knowledge up to date.


Within particular professional organisations, it is a required code of conduct to be up to date with relevant information. For example, for teachers it is important to ensure you have your safeguarding knowledge and this is kept up to date to keep children safe.


Good to know!


Schools really like candidates with Team Teach training.

This is beneficial in both SEN and mainstream schools as it teaches de-escalation techniques and positive handling.


For teachers that are looking to get back into the profession they can complete ‘return to teaching training’ through the government.


Supply teachers should always keep up to date with safeguarding / child protection and complete the CPD for this at least once a year.


Why not let Dunbar Education help you?


If you teach through us as a supply teacher and choose to get paid through our recommended umbrella company, you will be offered safeguarding training free of charge through Orange Genie!


Get in touch today to be placed in a role that is right for you.